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Parli Examples

Browse a curated list of our own and publicly available examples, such as full length round video, samples of a case/research document, flows, reason for decision (RFD) and a calendar for lesson plans. For full versions of the documents or access to the photos, click the button. For editable versions, please contact us at

Parli Round.png
Example Research Document (Parli).png
Example PARLI RFD 2 (1)_edited_edited.jpg
Example Calendar - Parli_edited.jpg

Calendar for Lessons Plans

Linked below is an example calendar with noted school holidays and monthly tournaments from the 2020 online competitive season. This document can be used as a recommendation of when each lessons should be introduced and reviewed in relation to the first, second, etc. tournament of a debater. Coaches can use this calendar to structure and plan practices and individual debaters can use this calendar to decide when to review certain powerpoints or drills.

Reason for Decision (RFDs)

Linked below are example images of good, written feedback from judges. Examples can be shown to parents/judges to familiarize them with what the level of feedback that should be given at the end of a round that is useful for the debaters to improve.


Linked below are several examples of flows from real Parliamentary rounds. There are many different types of flows and debaters should be encouraged to find a system that works for them, but these flows demonstrate two general principles - 1) AFF and NEG should be distinguished using different colors and 2) arguments and responses should be written next to each other. This document can be shown to debaters to teach them how to flow or help them develop their own method.

Case/Research Document

Linked below is an example of how a debater's full research/round document should be formatted. As Parliamentary debaters must copy down all of their research onto one or two sheets of paper before the round, this document should be as simple as possible and well organized. This example, and a proper research doc, includes the definitions, full arguments, refutations, and notes for each resolution. It can be shown to debaters or parents to demonstrate how to organize research.

Full Length Round

Linked below is a full-length round on the topic "The United States should abolish the death penalty", debated by Hackley vs. Pegasus School and publicly available on YouTube. Individual speeches, crossfire, and the judge feedback are all shown. The round is a well-debated but relatively simple example of a competitive Public Forum debate. This video can be shown to new debaters to familiarize them with the structure of Public Forum or individual speeches can be shown to and discussed with returning debaters.

Parli Examples: Services
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